Festival Inspirational del IAB Spain
Silver in the 'Online Video' category
Festival Inspirational del IAB Spain
Silver for the Best Use of Influencers
Premios a la Eficacia en Comunicación Comercial
Gold in the 'Effectiveness in Marketing Communications with a Budget of Under €250,000' category
Festival Internacional Art&Tur de Cine Turístico
Best advertisement (TV/DOC Section)
Festival Internacional Art&Tur de Cine Turístico
First prize in Tourism Destinations – Regions (Tourfilm Section)
Festival Internacional Art&Tur de Cine Turístico
Best creativity in the promotion of a destination (TV/DOC Section)
Festival Internacional Art&Tur de Cine Turístico
First prize (webdoc) in Adventure, Expeditions & Travelling
I Festival de Cortos
Silver Maimónides for the Best Promotional Tourism Ad
Premios a la Eficacia en Comunicación Comercial
Bronze in the 'Special Internationality' category
Festival Internacional Art&Tur de Cine Turístico
Second prize in Nature & Rural Tourism (Tourfilm Section)
Festival Internacional Art&Tur de Cine Turístico
Best advertising campaign (TV/DOC Section)
Festival Internacional de Comunicación Infantil “El Chupete”
Award for the Best Design of a Children's Character
The Caples Awards
The elevator that rises your pride
Festival Iberoamericano de la Comunicación Publicitaria El Sol
Bronze Sol for the Best Use of Branded Content – Media Category
Festival Iberoamericano de la Comunicación Publicitaria El Sol
Bronze Sol for the Best Campaign in the Services and Institutions Sector – Outdoor Category
Revista Ad Forum (referencia mundial del sector publicitario
Best Campaign of the Month (May) Worldwide in the tourism sector
Finisterra Arrábida Film Festival de Arte y Turismo
Third prize for Best Documentary
Festival Iberoamericano de la Publicidad, FIAP
Bronze Sol in the Best Photography category for audiovisual production techniques
Finisterra Arrábida Film Festival de Arte y Turismo
Director's Special Award
Asociación de Medios Publicitarios de España (AMPE)
Silver award in the Internet category
Internationalist Awards for Innovation in Media
Silver Award
Festival Travel Marketing Awards
Bronze in the 'Best Use of Social Media' category
The elevator that rises your pride
Festival Travel Marketing Awards
Silver in the 'Best Experiential Marketing' category
The elevator that rises your pride
Festival Travel Marketing Awards
Bronze in the 'Best Direct Marketing' category
Your friend from The Canary Islands
Festival Travel Marketing Awards
Silver in the 'Best Outdoor Advertising' category
The bench with the best climate in the world
Festival Travel Marketing Awards
Silver in the 'Best Brochure' category
365 to recharge your energy
Smile Festival, Festival Europeo de Publicidad y Humor
Best creativity in branded content
Smile Festival, Festival Europeo de Publicidad y Humor
Best original idea in online viral content