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Mon, 29/06/2020 - 11:47

Canary Islands joins in with LGTBI Pride Day celebrations

Canary Islands join in with LGTBI Pride 2020 Day celebrations

Canary Islands joined in with LGTBI Pride Day yesterday, Sunday, June 28, with a dayketing campaign to stay fresh in the minds of this tourist segment, who come here attracted not only by sun, beach and fun, but also by the spirit of freedom and tolerance which is the backbone of the islands’ identity.  

To make the most of this date, the Canary Islands tourist brand released a video in which nature and the variety of landscapes around the archipelago serve as an excuse to send out a message of diversity. The aim of this campaign is to let everyone know that the Canaries are open to a diverse range of the general public and that they wish to be remembered by them on a day such as this.

This promotional campaign was active over the weekend, reaching around three million users on social media. The video was shared on Instagram, the most popular social media platform among the LGTBI sector, and on Facebook, in Spanish, English and German, ensuring that it will reach all markets in which these languages are spoken.  

The LGTBI tourist segment is included in the Canary Islands Marketing Plan, and has its own communication platform,, where information is readily available for gay, lesbian, bisexual, intersexual and transsexual travellers, providing different choices of accommodation, restaurants, leisure and entertainment related to LGTBI. It also features in, the platform aimed at the promotion of the islands as a destination for wedding and honeymoon celebrations.  

* This campaign is 85% co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).