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Mon, 30/04/2018 - 12:30

The video of Earth Day with amazing images of natural surroundings in the Canaries was viewed by over 750,000 Europeans

Thank you, earth from the heart. Canary Islands
  • The video short achieved greater levels of interaction than normal on the part of users of the Islas Canarias brand social media site

Coinciding with the celebration of Earth Day on Sunday 22nd April, Promotur Turismo de Canarias put together a video short featuring stunning images of landscapes around the Canary Islands. The aim of the campaign, which was 85% financed by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER), was to place the Islas Canarias brand on a par with other unique sites on the planet, where nature surroundings are like a gift for people to enjoy weird and wonderful landscapes.  

The video was released to coincide with Earth Day on the Canary Islands’ social media sites, on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube, for a period of 24 hours. The video’s engagement, referring to users’ commitment to the brand measured on the amount of interactions they made, was very high indeed. The sum total of comments, likes and shares reached 3 % on Facebook and 4 % on Instagram. Besides this, 73 % of the users on YouTube watched it all the way through. This data reveals just how the video short captured users’ imagination in higher percentage terms than normal.

The short looks to attract tourists interested in natural locations, for those who are mainly into exploration and discovery, and who wish to spend their holidays in places of high ecological value. So, to take advantage of Earth Day, in which people are more inclined to be open to receiving messages about the beauty of the planet, the Canary Islands strove to highlight their superb landscapes and their wonderful contrasts, showing just how their biodiversity has made them a blessed site in terms of natural beauty.

The video uses real comments posted by users

The video short was released in eight different languages: Spanish, English, German, French, Italian, Norwegian, Swedish and Dutch. Alongside these stiking images drawn from archives at Turismo de Canarias, there are real comments posted by users of Islas Canarias on their social networking sites, using User Generated Content (UGC), a digital marketing tool which highlights content created by users themselves. The target markets of this campaign were mainland Spain, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Germany,  Austria, France, Belgium, Holland, Italy, Norway and Sweden. Over two million viewings were spawned, of which 37 %, over 750,000, were re-views.

The natural beauty of these seven destinations attracts holiday makers who are looking to enjoy natural places that offer different options, from simply getting away from it all, contemplation, and a break from stress, to following different sporting pursuits such as hiking, cycling and yoga. It also provides the ideal chance to get to know the authentic side to the islands, through their rich cuisine and local crafts and culture.