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Fri, 28/02/2020 - 13:54

Turismo de Islas Canarias set up an information campaign with recommendations so that visitors can enjoy safe holidays on the islands

Image of the information campaign with recommendations for enjoying safe holidays. Canary Islands

Turismo de Islas Canarias has started up an information campaign which features a series of recommendations to reassure those arriving at the islands’ airports, as well as for tourists who are already here, that they can enjoy safe holidays.

The content has been put together in Spanish, English and German, and offers simple and direct messages regarding measures that can be taken. These include the regular washing of hands, covering faces with tissues when coughing or sneezing, and avoiding close contact with anyone who might be unwell. A clearly-visible telephone number has also been added for people to call in case they have any queries arising from symptoms related to high temperature, coughing or difficulty breathing.

Video on airport screens

Alongside this specific information material targeted at visitors, for the next 15 days at least and depending on how the situation unfolds, a video lasting around 20 seconds will be broadcast on the islands’ airport terminal screens, again in three different languages, sending out a welcoming and reassuring message to travellers landing on the islands so they will feel at ease.

The contact telephone number set up by the Government of the Canary Islands to attend to any queries concerning coronavirus will be available 24 hours a day, every day of the year, and will be manned by experts in crisis situations, in Spanish, English, French, German and Italian. Support will also be provided by a teletranslation platform enabling users to communicate in a further 50 languages.  

Meanwhile, the specific material prepared will be distributed around entities that are contact points for tourists as they arrive on the island, through tourist accommodation management teams so that they can pass it on to their associates, tour operators and the Cabildo’s promotional offices.

News and social media monitoring

In addition to specific campaigns carried out at the destination, Turismo de Islas Canarias has started monitoring news items published in the international media, providing a daily round-up, in order to assess how this health scare is being handled outside the islands. It has also activated an additional active listening campaign on the Canary Islands’ social media sites, providing regular updates as events unfold, backed by the reassuring messages sent out by the health authorities and following authorised guidelines. The ongoing monitoring on the Canary Islands’ social media sites facilitate a fast response to queries on the part of their followers in 11 languages, enabling them to be forewarned and to act against fake news and hoaxes.

Turismo de Islas Canarias would like to thank the tourist industry as a whole for the efforts it has made in these special circumstances, especially to management and staff at the hotel in Adeje (Tenerife) where guests have been quarantined, for their many hours of hard work, great professionalism and the important contribution they have made to the image of the holiday destination.