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Thu, 30/11/2017 - 09:03

21 videos spread the Canarian identity in order to generate affectivity towards the brand

The crosses of Malpique, La Palma, Canary Islands

These 21 small audiovisual pieces are part of a project from the Canary Islands tourist brand whose main objective is to generate a greater affective bond among nature tourists with the brand through the enhancement of certain aspects related to Canarian culture and identity.

The project, which has been developing through the social network Facebook for much of the year, consists of a series of videos whose distribution contributed to making tourists aware of the special factors of the archipelago that make up its cultural identity, unique and distinct. This in turn, has helped to reinforce the positioning of the brand in different tourist markets in order to establish a distinctive place for the Canarian archipelago and what it has to offer and make sure it remains in the minds of tourists.

Using different themes and with a duration of less than 45 seconds so as to go viral in social networks, the videos are marked in the category of "Tourism in natural spaces", specifically using the network "The energy that awaits you", in order to target all tourists whose main motivation is the exploration and discovery of the attractions of the places they visit and the way of life connected to them. These videos specifically aim to promote those unique aspects of the Islands that are related to nature, culture, tradition and cuisine.

Among the topics that are discussed, are the climate, which was the first "seed" that was sown, bananas, the recipe for papas arrugadas (Canarian style potatoes), cheeses, the voyage of Christopher Columbus, Canarian wine and its relationship with Shakespeare, cave houses, the laurisilva, carnivals, the Gomero whistle ... and so on up to 21 subjects that went viral with a frequency of one every ten days. Among them, one titled "Malpique crosses" was the most successful among Facebook users, reaching 1.2 million views, 8,500 interactions, almost 400 comments and 11,190 shares.

The videos do not have voiceovers, so although the audio offers a more complete experience thanks to the music, they can also be enjoyed without any sound as messages are superimposed onto the images. The 21 pieces were made in Spanish, English, German, French, Italian, Dutch, Norwegian and Swedish.

Canarian identity as a differentiating element

The contents of these mini-documentaries help contribute to developing of one of the general strategies included in the Strategic Promotional Plan 2012-2016, as well as the 2016 Marketing Plan of the Canary Islands tourism brand. In both plans, the objective is to influence the dissemination of the Canarian identity, gastronomy, culture and historical heritage in order to value these aspects and position them as differentiating elements of the archipelago, thus reinforcing their ability to compete with other tourist destinations.

Doing so, together with the main "sun and beach” attraction, an extensive complementary offer is explained in an integrated manner, in which preference is given to sharing knowledge of the destination and its identity through historical aspects, gastronomy, cultural activities and visits. This will have a positive impact on the image that potential tourists and visitors have of the Canary Islands brand, which should be seen as a unique destination, different and superior to its competitors thanks to the attractive differentiators it offers.

* This action is 85% co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).