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Tue, 17/01/2017 - 14:36

The Canary Islands invites those referring to Blue Monday “to eat their words”

StopBlueMonday, Turismo de Canarias

The Canary Islands tourism brand has promoted a new exploit to refute Blue Monday and put a stop to the theory that says that the third calendar Monday is the most depressing day of the year. For the second year running, the #StopBlueMonday initiative (promoted by Promotur Turismo de Canarias and co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER)) has attempted to demonstrate that the formula developed by British psychologist Cliff Arnall in 2005 is flawed and does not occur on the Canarian archipelago, where the benefits of the place with The best climate in the world have positive effects on people’s moods.

For this reason, the journalists who wrote in their media this Monday about the effects of Blue Monday were invited on Tuesday “to eat their words”, by including them in a fun initiative that turned their own news into cake. As such, the editors of around ten Spanish media outlets received a cake decorated with the article published on Monday on the top and a note inviting them reflect on it with the message “We all have to eat our own words one day. Blue Monday doesn’t exist.”

This message was signed by the Arnall himself, who since last year has joined the Canary Islands brand’s cause to put a stop to the most depressing day of the year, thus dismantling his own theory.

Following the exploit, many journalists made a show of the good sports that they are by “eating their words” and some responded to the message with photos and comments. The video of this initiative has had more than 250,000 views and has reached more than 1.3 million Facebook users, with 3,000 interactions and over 400 shares. Instagram has had 15.2 million impressions, reaching 11 million people and clocking up 3,400 views and 733 interactions.